Once you make an account, you will be able to select one nomination category. There will be an option to fill out the application on behalf of someone, or on behalf of your organization. Please do not nominate your organization in more than one category. If you're unsure if the business you are nominating has won already, please contact us at test@aspenfilms.ca.
Small Business
Celebrating the contributions and accomplishments of local small businesses in our region.
The awards will be presented to a profit centered private business organization whose business achievement made an outstanding contribution to Hamilton in the past year.
The company must have been in business for a minimum of 1 year, and have 1-10 employees.
The award will be presented to a designated company official at the event on May 11th, 2022.
All documents and information submitted may be utilized to create a brief video presentation which will be shown during the awards ceremony, however if there is information which you are providing to us which may be of a confidential nature (i.e. financial statements, stock reports, etc.) please clearly identify as CONFIDENTIAL and this information will not be utilized or made public.
The winners may be required to participate in media coverage of the award.
Finalists will be required to purchase their own tickets to the event.
Mid-Sized Business
Honoring mid-sized businesses that demonstrate growth, leadership, and excellence in their industry.
The awards will be presented to a profit centered private business organization whose business achievement made an outstanding contribution to Hamilton in the past year.
The company must have been in business for a minimum of 1 year, and have 10-50 employees.
The award will be presented to a designated company at the virtual event on May 11th, 2022.
All documents and information submitted may be utilized to create a brief video presentation which will be shown during the awards evening, however if there is information which you are providing to us which may be of a confidential nature (i.e. financial statements, stock reports, etc.) please clearly identify as CONFIDENTIAL and this information will not be utilized or made public.
The winners may be required to participate in media coverage of the award.
Finalists will be required to purchase their own tickets to the event.
Large Business
Recognizing large enterprises for their significant impact, innovation, and community involvement.
The awards will be presented to a profit centered private business organization whose business achievement made an outstanding contribution to Hamilton in the past year.
The company must have been in business for a minimum of 1 year, and have 50+ employees.
The award will be presented to a designated company official at the event on May 11th, 2022.
All documents and information submitted may be utilized to create a brief video presentation which will be shown during the awards evening, however if there is information which you are providing to us which may be of a confidential nature (i.e. financial statements, stock reports, etc.) please clearly identify as CONFIDENTIAL and this information will not be utilized or made public.
The winners may be required to participate in media coverage of the award.
Finalists will be required to purchase their own tickets to the event.
Highlighting the exceptional efforts and positive influence of nonprofit organizations in our community.
The awards will be presented to a not-for-profit organization that operates in Hamilton. The company must have been in business for a minimum of 3 years.
The award will be presented to a designated official at the event on May 11th, 2022.
All documents and information submitted may be utilized to create a brief video presentation which will be shown during the awards evening, however if there is information which you are providing to us which may be of a confidential nature (i.e. financial statements, stock reports, etc.) please clearly identify as CONFIDENTIAL and this information will not be utilized or made public.
The winners may be required to participate in media coverage of the award.
Finalists will be required to purchase their own tickets to the Gala.
Accessibility Award
Commending individuals, businesses, or organizations that champion accessibility and inclusivity for all.
This award recognizes a business or organization that has adopted best practices in accessibility in the workplace.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Julia at j.freeman@hamiltonchamber.ca
Citizen of the Year
Honoring an outstanding community member for their exceptional contributions and dedication to our town or city.
Individuals must have performed the act for which they are being nominated in a voluntary capacity in the community, over and above those required of them in the performance of their regular professional duties. Or, in the course of their professional activity, have brought outstanding/remarkable attention to the community on a provincial, national or international basis.
Criteria Includes:
• Leadership
• Volunteerism
• Community Benefits
• Commitment
• Good Citizenship
• Hamilton Resident
• Brings awareness of the community outside town boundaries
Nominator must provide:
1. 200-word biography of the Citizen being nominated
2. Three (3) additional letters of support from other members of the community. These can be e-mailed to Julia at: j.freeman@hamiltonchamber.ca or uploaded in your appliction. Please no hard copies.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Julia at j.freeman@hamiltonchamber.ca
Century Award
Celebrating a business or organization that has achieved a remarkable milestone of longevity and impact, serving the community for a century or more.
This award honours businesses that have been serving our community for over 100 years.
Please fill out the required fields and the Chamber will follow up with the businesses who are nominated.
Young Entrepreneur & Professional (YEP)
Recognizing outstanding achievement and innovation by young professionals and entrepreneurs in our community.
The award will be presented to a young entrepreneur(s) (under 40 years-old) who owns and operates their own business in our city. The company must have been in business for a minimum of 1 year.
The award will be presented to a designated official at the event on May 11th, 2022.
All documents and information submitted may be utilized to create a brief video presentation which will be shown during the awards evening, however if there is information which you are providing to us which may be of a confidential nature (i.e. financial statements, stock reports, etc.) please clearly identify as CONFIDENTIAL and this information will not be utilized or made public.
The winners may be required to participate in media coverage of the award.
Finalists will be required to purchase their own tickets to the Gala.